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Portable Network Graphic  |  1995-07-14  |  156KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
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OCR: Page5 of5 Note FavoriteCharities: Singl Jsers who wish toregistefor Level 1 or I Level 2 who have favorite ecologica borhumanitariancharity may registeprupgradfromI Level: ltoLevel2) bycont tactinecisionMaker sSoftwaredirectlyvia email fax 1 post Pleaselet me knowthe charity and the total amoun that vouare committino contributto the charity in excess youmormalcontributionl will registeyouat the properlevel andreturnthe Password UnrelatedtoTattleTechitself thoughtI'd passonthe following informat ton relatedto charities Onesourcfor objectivenf formatiorin evaluatinga charity 'soperationss the NCIB (National Charities InformationBureau) non profitorganizatiorfoundedn 1918it publishes the 'Wise GivingGuide The guideevaluat tescharitiesbased upons standardsincludingefficiency (my word) )in the ...